BGMAD Podcast Episode 36 | Travel to Europe with Toddlers?!
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Would we take our twin toddlers to Europe with us again? Chatting our overall experience with taking our almost 2 year old twins to London and Paris with us for the first time, along with the overall societal and social feel of bringing (small) children to Europe. Also chatting through travel agents, hotels vs airbnbs, packing, tips, and more!
If you want to get straight to the episode and skip our banter start around 15:00 minutes.
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Enjoy via Podbean below or watch us interact via the YouTube video that is linked below as well.
Links mentioned during the episode:
The Worry Free Parent by Sissy Goff LPC-MHSP
This is the first generation to see actual footage of where their childhood trauma began
Hunt Gather Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff
Paris LMents of Style Blog Post: TBD
It Takes Two: A special book for twins by Lauren Mulenos
Favorite Diapers in London: Beaming Baby Organic Bamboo Nappies purchased at Whole Foods
Favorite Snacks in London: Suckies Pouches, Ella’s Kitchen Pouches
Cybex Yema Tie Carrier (for Nick)
Tushbaby - Use code BGMAD for 15% off your order
00:00:34 - Intro
00:01:15 - Previous Episodes Maintenance
00:12:28 - Tiff
00:15:17 - Would We Take The Trip Again?
00:30:21 - How Did We Do It?
00:47:33 - Commercial - Primally Pure
00:48:16 - What / How To Pack
01:16:47 - Do It, Bring Your Kids!
01:18:40 - Ask BGMAD
01:19:46 - Closing
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