BGMAD Podcast Episode 41 | Mom Rage is a Dad Problem
It’s just Nick this week! We’re diving into WHY Mom’s anger can be justified and HOW we as Dad’s / equal partners can step UP to share the beautiful burden of parenting. We’re all in this together, and our kids NEED equal partners. Join me this week as I take over the podcast and talk through how we can be better partners, ALL of us.
BGMAD Podcast Episode 33 | Your Mom Guilt is Showing
Mom Guilt is common, but that doesn’t mean it’s normal. Today we chat through our own mom (and dad) guilt and how we try to reframe and make the most of our time with our children. Let’s rewrite the narrative and retrain our brains together!
BGMAD Podcast Episode 30 | Where Have We Been?!
Being productive is good until it isn't. If you put your worth in how productive you are, then you are in for a lot of failure, especially if you are a parent.
BGMAD Podcast Episode 29 | The Productivity Problem
Being productive is good until it isn't. If you put your worth in how productive you are, then you are in for a lot of failure, especially if you are a parent.
BGMAD Podcast Episode 28 | Sorry For Saying Sorry!
Apologizing isn’t easy. Parenting is hard. As a society, we tend to over apologize or not at all. Let’s dive into why that is and what you can do about it.
BGMAD Podcast Episode 27 | An Honest Post About Having Twins
Just how hard is it to raise twins? Last week we touched on the positives, special moments, and our favorite parts of having twins, but this week we are getting real. I wouldn’t call it negative - just truthful thoughts and evens we have been through. Don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging. We share tips for combatting the struggles, encouragement, hope, and food for thought so that twin parenting might be just a little bit easier for you!
BGMAD Podcast Episode 26 | A Positive Twin Mom Post
When people find out you are expecting twins or have twins, a lot of wild, crazy, and somewhat rude stuff flies out of their mouth. This podcast episode was created to encourage you and share the positives we have found in having twins.
BGMAD Podcast Episode 25 | The Supermom Myth
How does she do it all? Spoiler Alert: She doesn’t and she needs your help. Whether social media is lying to you or you’re tricked by how well coiffed her hair is, it isn’t the full picture. We break down the super mom myth and share some tips on how to push through struggling with mom guilt.
BGMAD Podcast Episode 10 | Do Mom Friends Exist IRL?
Parenthood is often a lonely, thankless journey. (Mom) Friends in the same boat make it a little more bearable! Can you find them in real life though?